Joe Millionaire update: Melissa eliminated. Haa.. kan dah cakap, kan, kan kan? Heheh.. rasenye ramai dah dapat agak kot. Sian die nangis akhir show... pastu Evan siot tak cakap pape pon kat die nak comfort ke ape ke. Just kasi hug pastu blah. So like a guy. Tengok Trista The Bachelorette contoh berjaye. Bile die eliminate someone, sure die spend time lepas tuh ngan mamat tuh nak soothe the shattered ego. Somebody should give Evan a good ass whopping and teach him some manners. You don't have to have 50 million moolah to be considerate of another person's feelings, especially since you already made out with that other person. Geram geram geram geram....
And now there's two.... he couldn't have picked two more different girls. So who is it gonna be? The pretty but not so loose Zora, or the pretty and pretty loose Sarah? Much as I wanna say I'll definitely be tuning in next week, I might not be able to since I have 3 exams in a row, satrting on Monday. AAACKK!!!!!! Nobody said being a college student is going to be this hard. Dah lah sekarang tgh musim malas. Winter = too cold to get my brains working properly except for the most basic of necessities... " Need.. food"..." Wee wee?".." Poopy poopy"...and so forth. Where's motivation when you really need one ....
Oh yeah, in case you guys haven't noticed, there's a daily cartoon button under the chatterbox.. okie lah katun-katun die... but I'm currently looking for one that's not quite so comp related, pastu bleh tukar. :)...
Basically semalam pegi kelas, balik bilik kol 5, pastu malam lepas Joe Millionaire, Wann datang wat programming, I studied a bit before mengantuk and tido. Hari nie kelas sebijik je so bleh continue with the whole studying thing or the whole tido thing... whichever comes first, muahahah :P.
I love having a website where people can come and read the crap I write.. sigh..
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