I'm moving my updates to a different blog, http://www.farah-faisal.blogspot.com, since it's an easier address to remember and spell. It's been a great ride updating this blog, hope you'll follow me on to the next chapter!

Tuesday, June 17, 2003

Assalamu'alaikum to all, hehehe...

Just a few more days till I go back! Back home! To Malaysia! Land of nasik lemak, rojak, roti canai and tempe! Hahah.. I'm pretty much excited, actually. Though the last time I went home, the memories weren't all rosy, but let's ignore that now. I'm going back! Yay! Can't believe that a month ago, I didn't even have plans about going back, but here I am now, all excited about seeing home again.
I can't wait to see how big my nephew is. Oh, and can't wait to see Egee's new wife too ( Egee is my newly married cousin ). Hahaha... so many new things to see. Tadi borak ngan Yong, wah wah, dah ade orang ajak lepak umah sponsor, siap nak sponsor food lagi tuh. Woo hoo! Hehehe... with the whole JB thing coming, I guess I can safely say that at least a month of my life at home will be filled with stuff to do. Let's see if I can figure out anything to do for the other month.
One of the best things about going home is... trading my P license for a real one. Yeah baby! And this time I'm stealing the car. Tak pedulik. Especially when my parents gie umrah nanti, abang bleh drive kete mak, I'm getting the ol' heap that vaguely resembles an Iswara. Hahaha.. kerete baru sume gabak sgt.
I'm also so looking forward to meeting my primary schoolmates. Waaaahhh... can't believe I was ever seven! Or six. Seemed like such a long time ago, pegi sekolah pakai baju kurung putih kain biru gelap. *Sigh*.... how time flies...
Somebody better belanje me drinks kat Coffee Bean ...... hehehe...


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