I'm moving my updates to a different blog, http://www.farah-faisal.blogspot.com, since it's an easier address to remember and spell. It's been a great ride updating this blog, hope you'll follow me on to the next chapter!

Friday, May 16, 2003

Today five girls decided to indulge in the phenomenon known as "The Matrix: Reloaded". Me, Teh, Nanim, Alisa and Ayun caught the 11.56 am bus to Meijer's, and we arrived at the cinema in time to catch the 1 o'clock show. Apsal pegi awal sgt, u say? Apsal tak gie malam macam org lain? jawapan: tadek transport, plus before 5 o'clock, show murah, save duit jugak.

THE MATRIX: RELOADED ( spoilers ahead, tapi sikit jek, ending still confidential, kalau tak tgk lagi and tanak tau langsung , skip this until *** )
My verdict for the movie: best with a but. Best sebab action sequence die sgt2 pawe, but (this is the but part) some stuff could be done without. Macam the celebration scene in Zion. Wuih.. macam gie clubbing! or kat rave party. Everything sume see through ( maybe Zion teramat sengkek sampai kain buat sume tak cukup tebal, or maybe clothing generator die rosak kot... ). Didn't help the fact they toggled that and the "love" scene between Neo and Trinity ( man, that's a lot of butts ) . The "rave party" scene macam kurang ade significance, probably sebab normal human beings, no matter how happy or confident they are that they will survive when faced with such a tremendous obstacle to their very existance, would not be prancing around half naked in an atmosphere more suited to a "Girls Gone Wild" video rather than the last remaining free city of Earth. Pelik. Ntah-ntah all the surviving humans mase tuh mmg prerequisite die kene biase gie rave kot. Hehe.. macam kate Teh " Ingat kan lepas speech nak pegi memperatahankan negare ke ape ke, nie die gie menari-nari lak.... ".
I love the fact that they have the "power" girls in the film ( Trinity and Niobe ). Women kick butt! Dah lah Niobe punye sunglasses gile lawa. Jada Pinkett = sgt sgt sgt cun. Even Persephone, who didn't kick butt, was no wallflower. Manipulative, conniving yet very, very female in her emotions ( she might be cool, but she was still pissed when hubby dearie decided to fool around.. hell hath no fury like a woman scorned ), she was very powerful in her scenes, commanding attention and twisting everything around her well-manicured fingers. Kissing scene between her and Neo... tipu lah Neo faithful gile nak mampos kat Trinity. Dalam ati tuh.."Woo-hoo!" . Eleh. May they put a lot more of Monica Belucci in the next Matrix movie.
Favorite character: the helpless Keymaker. Kesian mamat tuh, kene campak sane sini, last-last mati jugak. Ish ish ish.... but someone pointed out yang movie nie stereotype sket. In a way, it is tru. All the Asian characters die either pandai kung fu, or jenis yang pakai spec, pandai and helpless. Go figure.

All in all, nice movie to watch with friends, jangan tengok ngan family unless your mum and dad are really cool about "love scenes" and you don't mind the utter embarrassment when your 3-year-old brother/sister yells "Eii... bontot! " ( eh, jgn kate tak penah jadik, penah tau... ). Go watch :) .
Apakah plan saya buat hari nie? Rest jap, then solat, then start cracking on my program and paper. GSI gile jahat, die tanak post hari nie punye slides sebab die tanak sape yg tak dtg kelas tau ape die discuss hari nie. Dah lah cakap lambat, org tak salin slides awal-awal. Gile jahat. Geram betul. Kene salin laju-laju tadik. I'm screwed, sebab haram tatau ape die cakap tadi pasal program. Uh-oh.
Okay, me tired. Later.


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