I'm moving my updates to a different blog, http://www.farah-faisal.blogspot.com, since it's an easier address to remember and spell. It's been a great ride updating this blog, hope you'll follow me on to the next chapter!

Saturday, April 16, 2005


I've been feeling strange lately .... like really strange. Can't really elaborate why. But it's definitely strange. I think it's because spring is here and all I wanna do is skip to school and sing really corny love songs. Though the fact that the only guy who showed any interest in me this semester happens to be a devout Catholic-Republican is putting a dent in my whole spring-itude. No, I'm not dating him right now 'cause ... well, why start something when it's doomed anyway. So there. I put it on the table. I, Miss I've-Seen-Everything-Nothing-Fazes-Me-Anymore, am afraid to put myself out there. Doesn't mean I'm not open to possibilities, just not with... y'know... Republicans. LoL :) .

I thought it was just me, but I talked to some other friends and they told me I'm totally not overreacting. Katie is dating a Jewish guy and she's a Christian, he's Republican and she's a Democrat. And she told me to NOT DO IT!! Run away! Her reaction scared the wits out of me. I dunno .... truth be told, I'm probably not that interested in him anyway if I'm trying to find all these excuses to say no.

The heart wants what it want when it wants .... and right now what I want, I cannot have. *Sigh* ... nak kawin balik kampung tanam jagung pun tak boleh. LoL. Adoi... hold on a sec.. brb...


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