I'm moving my updates to a different blog, http://www.farah-faisal.blogspot.com, since it's an easier address to remember and spell. It's been a great ride updating this blog, hope you'll follow me on to the next chapter!

Wednesday, April 06, 2005


Me mind on fire -- Me soul on fire -- Feeling hot hot hot
Party people -- All around me feeling hot hot hot
It is such a beautiful day today, the weather is SO fine, it's actually HOT here in Ann Arbor, and I couldn't ask for a better weather. If it wasn't for the fact that my knee is busted, I would probably be outside right now frolicking in front of the Bell Tower like a horny bunny. As it is, I settled for sitting on a bench and eating outside while listening to Linkin Park. Ooohhh... Linkin Park. Some people say they're too "pop" to really be a true alternative band. I'd tell those people to go fuck themselves, LINKIN PARK RULES BABY!!

Cuss words coming from me usually means I'm either pissed off about something, or I'm in serious pain. Right now, it's the latter. I'm taking really good care of my knee by putting hot compress on it and cleaning up the wound with antiseptic, just like the doctor ordered. While that helps keep the wound clean, walking around is just so abso-bloody-lutely painful. Taking painkillers don't help, for some reason, and while I'm not quite so grumpy, I am so not in the running to be Miss Cheerful of the Year. Now I have to resort to walking real slow, which still hurts even though it's not so bad, but walking slow means I have to leave home extra early for class. Not my favorite thing to do especially when my eyes are glued to the TV watching hunky John Stewart interviewing yet another asinine celebrity. Ooohhhh... John Stewart. Cute, rich and funny. If he's not taking drugs or an alcoholic, then he surely is the perfect man.

Yesterday was Artsbreak, this time it was held in Bursley. Quite frankly, that was probably the worst Artsbreak I've ever held in the history of Earth. Not exaggerating. Even that time when the sewing machine broke down in the middle of the project wasn't quite as bad as this one. The people were pushy, they ask you to show how to do stuff and the don't listen, they ignore you every time you ask them to keep things relatively clean ... and to top it off, they get angry when you try and take supplies away when time is up. Bitch, you think we're doing this for free?? I do not waste time doing this just because I think it's fun. I do not exist on this Earth to serve you while you are on a quest to find the perfect ribbon to match your board. The project is a nice relaxing privilege given to you, you do not have the right to act like an ass and demand things that you didn't fuckin' pay for in the first place. You can ask, definitely, in fact please ask nicely, but you don't demand. Never demand. Now, if you wanna pay me like maybe 30 bucks an hour, I would gladly kiss your ass, but since you're not, then you can kiss mine.

To top it off, after cleaning up the tables and getting rid of the glue (some girls managed to spill glue on the table), Erin and I got yelled at by the guy who's apparently in charge of the Blue Apple Lounge. This self-appointed Holy Protector of The Blue Apple now doesn't want us to "ever do arts and crafts project in (his) lounge again". Woah there cowboy, we reserved the lounge (at least Erin did)! And we cleaned up afterwards, AND we had to clean up before that too because his precious tables were.... how shall I put this nicely ... SKANKY. Nobody should even walk by those tables, let alone eat of 'em. I was so mad, I dragged the supplies out of the lounge while poor Erin had to stand there and listen to him. Erin was steamed. We were both annoyed but Erin was doubly so because she handled all the reservations and management while I handled the artistic side of stuff (making the banner, samples, choosing ribbons and fabrics etc.) All I can say is... the guy was acting like a butt. If we didn't clean up, then fine, go ahead and yell, but we did, so don't scream at us for making you do what you're paid for to do anyway. Jerk.

Have you ever felt like the U.N trying to maintain peace among nations? For the past week, I've been trying to keep the peace between two of my friends who are best friends and housemates with each other. These are strong women with really strong opinions (ha, I almost spelled "onions" right there), and sometimes they don't gel .. at all. So they each tell me things and I try not to break anyone's confidence in the hope that no one would wanna try and break my bones.
Not exactly the easiest thing to do, especially when I don't want to butt in things that don't concern me. But everything turns out well in the end, which just shows you it's better to just be there, be understanding and maybe offer some strategically placed hints and advice rather than go on a crusade to try and fix everything. Of course now they're in another fight, but that's another different story altogether.

Gossiping about people can be fun, but I always feel really bad afterwards. My mom is a great believer of not talking about things that don't concern you, especially when it comes to friends and family. I always feel two-faced if I let myself indulge in a few inappropriate tidbits, especially if I let my emotions get the better of me (i.e whenever I'm mad at someone) and was actually happy to talk badly about another person. It doesn't feel right to say something one time and act like something else on another occasion. I guess it doesn't feel right because it's not right. I'm a big believer in loyalty, and I commend people who can actually stick to their guns and be loyal to someone else. As for me, I have a lot of patience. I used to think that I didn't, but after observing other shitheads, I definitely do. Someone can treat me like crap and I would still forgive them completely 98% and not forget 2%.

I try not to be judgemental because I hate it when people judge me and they judge me wrongly. I try to appreciate individuality because I hate to be confined in box and made fit to a mold. I try to attone for my mistakes and sometimes I try too hard, but it's better than to not have learned at all. I give as good as I get, maybe better but never worse. I love easily and completely and probably in an immature style, be it in friendship or relationship, but my loyalty is hard-earned because I would put you through a lot of crap beforehand. My family is everything for me, I would die , kill and do everything else in between for them. My mom is the light of my life, she makes me happy even when she makes me sad. My dad is the very definition of strong, unconditional, over-protective love, and for that I would never betray your love by betraying my religion and myself. My siblings.... you guys can be assholes at times, but you're the only brothers I got, LoL.

I'm ranting and rambling and not making sense right now.... adoi stupid knee needs attending to. Ciao!


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