I'm moving my updates to a different blog, http://www.farah-faisal.blogspot.com, since it's an easier address to remember and spell. It's been a great ride updating this blog, hope you'll follow me on to the next chapter!

Saturday, April 09, 2005


Yesterday was spent at classes, then it was off to the basketball court for about half an hour to PLAY! Woo hoo! But why only have an hour? Me, being the "bright" person that I am, did not put a Band Aid on and as a result, had to go home early to.. ermm... clean up. It's kinda yucky to even think about, *brrr*, so I'm not gonna go into details.

So I'm kinda thinking about staying here another semester. I changed my CS requirement from the 2001-2003 rules to the 2004 rules so that I can graduate early, but now I have to say I'm regretting it a bit. On all of the job and internship interviews that I went to, they keep asking me about how much I know about data structures and object oriented programming. My knowledge about that can only probably fill a thimble. Apparently those are covered more extensively in EECS 381 , which I haven't taken yet, and won't have a chance to. Crap. I'm already screwed being a CS major who'll be working in Malaysia, where CS majors are about a dime a dozen. I need an edge, and just saying "I'm a US graduate" is probably not gonna cut it anymore. I'm worried about job prospects. I'm worried about being stuck in a job that doesn't pay well. I'm worried about not getting a job at all.

I'll fix this, I always do. Hopefully I'll be able to fix this soon, or else I'm gonna be worried for the rest of the semester and I'm already depressed anough as it is. *Sigh*

Okay, better get back to programming. Ciao!


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