I'm moving my updates to a different blog, http://www.farah-faisal.blogspot.com, since it's an easier address to remember and spell. It's been a great ride updating this blog, hope you'll follow me on to the next chapter!

Sunday, May 15, 2005


Yesterday was pretty much wasted at home for me. I had a headache in the morning, which fortunatey got better in the afternoon. I then went to Pierpont to print out my psycho notes, which I had unwittingly write and saved in my office comp desktop. Why do I need the notes? Unlike oher "graduated" people, I still have summer class, which means I still have an exam. After printing out the notes, though, my motivation to study plummeted, my headache came back, and i just hauled ass back to my room for another round of TV and cozying under the blanket.

Right now I am so not motivated to do anything at all. I need to go buy shoes. Lotsa shoes. Maybe a couple of new handbags too. Dude, if there's a Dior store in Ann Arbor, I would be there in a flash and just waste whatever money I have on a purse (which is probably the ony thing I can afford anyway).

I gotta go take a bath and try to motivate myself to do ANYTHING. TV is getting lame. Later.


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