I'm moving my updates to a different blog, http://www.farah-faisal.blogspot.com, since it's an easier address to remember and spell. It's been a great ride updating this blog, hope you'll follow me on to the next chapter!

Tuesday, May 10, 2005


I have started working in the office again. Last year I think I worked about 20 hours per week, this year it's up to 25. Sam's gone, and they haven't hired a new temporary secretary yet, so here I am answering phones, sorting mails and basically just doing some light secretarial jobs, though Michael did say he might need me to type out stuff. I may be a computer science major, but I pretty much suck at typing. I can't touch type, which is a problem when I need to type fast but is a good thing in terms of me using my laptop 'cause my Vaio doesn't have a full size keyboard. If you're even a little bit of a techie you would understand the preceding sentence, LoL, and if you're not, well I guess you're just gonna have to ask someone (heheheh)

So my schedule is pretty much this:

8.30am - 10.30 am : Work
11.00am - 1.00 pm : Class on central (PSYCH 111)
1.30 pm - 4.30 pm : Back to work
5.00 pm onwards : hopefully basketball/kickboxing (whaa?)/DDR/TV and homework later

Since my days pretty much start at 8.30am except for Wednesdays, that leaves the whole staying-up-till-2am-playing-video-games thing outta the question. Well, at least I'm making money. My spending is pretty much in control these days, which is good.

Yesterday Nik and I went to Buffalo Wild Wings for lunch. The sandwiches are pretty good (for your info, if you don't know this already, we don't call it fish burger or chicken burger, it's always "sandwich" for anything none-beefy, unless it's a no-meat garden burger.... americans are weird), and the wings are divine, even though Nik basically sweated while polishing off (rather quickly) the wings like he was pumping it at the gym. Note to self: go for the sweeter sauce next time.

We had a really good waitress for lunch. I can't understand how certain people can be so stingy when tipping. Jennifer, who waitressed last summer and fall, said that her income almost solely comes from tips since they only make 2.38 an hour.... and this was at a good restaurant, not some greasy diner off of some highway. I mean, I would understand the stingy tipping if the service was bad, but certain wait-staff really went above and beyond and really deserved to be treated (and paid) better. I guess I feel a bit defensive about this simply because I've seen Jen come back from work really tired and burnt-out and a table of five managed to not leave her a tip. Sucks seeing your friend miserable like that.

Okay, it's 10am and I gotta get ready to jet and get to class. Ciao!


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