I'm moving my updates to a different blog, http://www.farah-faisal.blogspot.com, since it's an easier address to remember and spell. It's been a great ride updating this blog, hope you'll follow me on to the next chapter!

Wednesday, May 11, 2005


Kemarin call umah, nak tgk org umah camane, sihat ke tak and all that. Kak Yann balik kampung nak tgh Angah die, sebab Angah belum sedar lagik and belum keluar from ICU. The week before die tak dapat nak balik sebab die baru start keje kat this new company, so last week was akhir bulan, and she had to dispense paychecks, kalau tak ramai je yg mengamuk. Company gabak camtuh pun sorang je accountant die. Aiyoh.

So since Kak Yann balik kampung, tinggal lah my parents ngan Abang Rizal nak jage budak-budak bertuah due orang. Mase cakap kat phone, mak komplen yg abang asyik dengan Sony PSP baru die, naik atas kunci bilik nak main game, so mak ngan bapak yg kene jage. Heheh... I'm sure my mom tgh exaggerate sket, tapi that sounds so much like my eldest bro. Plus mak jugak yg layan gie belikan abang Sony PSP tuh, which costs about sebulan my summer gaji (tak byk gaji pun keje jadi student secretary nie).

Anyway, tgh dok borak-borak ngan mak dekat phone, tetibe dgr bunyik Aishah menjerit. Rerupenye die baru kene debik dengan Ajiq pakai kayu. My immediate concern was ... camane lah Ajiq boleh dapat kayu? Oh, mak cakap, bukan kayu betul, die amek bunga matahari plastik mak, cabut die punye bunge and libas Aishah ngan part "kayu" yg tinggal tuh lah. Oooo... ok. Lepas Ajiq libas Aishah, die lari naik atas sebab takut kene marah. Aishah plak terkontang-kanting kat bawah tgh sakit.

Nak kasi pujuk si Aishah, mak letak die dekat phone soh cakap dengan "Mak Su". Dude I feel so old being called Mak Su. But she was so cute on the phone, tak reti cakap tapi kejap-kejap gelak. LoL I miss her so much. She was so cute when I left her and I just miss her so.

Next up, Ajiq plak cakap dekat phone. Tanye die tgh buat ape, die kate "Menum" (minum). Tanye tgh minum ape, die cakap "dis wan, dis wan". Pikir-pikir jap, baru sedar die cakap "this one". Aduh, dah 4 tahun pun tak reti nak form exact ayat lagik. Next year dah leh masuk pre-school dah pun pelat. I'm worried. But the whole pointing to his cup pastu cakap cam org bleh nampak cawan die is kinda cute.

Mak pesan soh belikan Ajiq kasut baru sebab kasut yg mak belikan hari tuh tak muat rupenye. Kesian Ajiq takleh pakai kasut Spiderman die. Though I'll have to check kalau betul die suke lagi Spiderman ke tak before I go out and buy, ntah2 die dah bosan. The last time budak tuh pakai a spider-suit die nampak cam tgh pakai spender merah kat muke ... eww. But hey, I'll buy them whatever they want as long as it's not with my money, LoL.

Kelakar bile pikir certain org tgh keje keras save duit sebab nak kawin, and I don't have that purpose to motivate me working. I work sebab I expect myself to work this summer. It's not really even about the money, actually, I would have gladly taken a less paying job if it meant that I would have been able to program and gain some real engineering experience. However this was the first job that came along, I was already familiar with the position, and that's that.

I just made a pot of coffee and I'm STILL sleepy. So macam nak kene try and preoccupy meself sekejap, kalau tak sure tertido atas kibod. Adoi.


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