I'm moving my updates to a different blog, http://www.farah-faisal.blogspot.com, since it's an easier address to remember and spell. It's been a great ride updating this blog, hope you'll follow me on to the next chapter!

Thursday, January 22, 2004

It's 8.15 in the mornig.... too damn early to do anything, and yet I am up. I have a class in an hour, and by right I can still be asleep and wake up just half an hour before that (the class is really near), but I couldn't go back to sleep after Subuh prayers, and since I'm anticipating a waaaaaaaaaay hectic day ahead, I'm just taking this oppurtunity to sit back and "lepak" for a while and just gather my thoughts.

So last night, I decided to drop all of my dance classes this semester. I mean, there's only 2, but one I have to drop because it's way too early, and for my Javanese Dance class, I dropped that one just to be on the safe side. I mean, I don't need the credit, I already have 13 (12 is the minimum). Plus I realize this week, and the next, is just giving me kinda a basic outline of how my semester will progress..... hectic, with barely enough time to take care of myself. I have to admit, I'm vain enough such that I refuse to give up my Umove classes at the CCRB, plus by February I'll be starting my new job at Pierpont, and with this new "club" I'm entering (which shall be explained later), I'll barely have time to do anything. Granted, a dance class is major easy A, you don't even have to come every single practice, but I feel like I'm taking on too many new things at the same time. I wanna be good at everything that I do, and that requires commitment for each and every single thing. So I dropped the class. I mean, I can always pick it up later, like next fall, or if I do decide to take it this semester (new classes only starts in mid February), I can have Mas Wasi sign a consent for, deliver it to the office, and I can still be in. Admittedly, I'll be so jealous of those taking the advance class this semester, because looking at what the advance class did last semester, the dances are so pretty and soft... and difficult. But I guess I have to swallow that and just hope they still offer it next fall.

It's almost 8.30, and I need to go take a bath, get breakfast, and get ready for class. Toodles!


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