I'm moving my updates to a different blog, http://www.farah-faisal.blogspot.com, since it's an easier address to remember and spell. It's been a great ride updating this blog, hope you'll follow me on to the next chapter!

Friday, January 02, 2004


I had the best day 2 days ever.... why? Because KB and Sue were here!!! Ahaha... well, so were Zuhri (ahaks!) , adik KB (Aisha from Penn State ) , and they came with Anuar (betul ke eje name? ) and Zai. Okay, convert to Malay-English for a bit, sorry Jay Jay, ahaha...

Okay, so derang sampai petang Rabu, lepas kol 6 I think. Kesian drive jejauh, heheh. Lepas tuh, aktiviti makan. I cooked rendang, kuah lodeh, kuah kacang (tu instant), lemang and nasik impit (instant jugaaa ). Nasib baik masak, kesian derang lapaq. Lepas tuh, aktiviti paling menarik, hahah. Sue punye birthday was on January 1st (cool gile, ahah), she's FINALLY legal (though she's not gonna do anything with it, I know you pompuan, hahah ), so we were in a pickle sebab nak kene sneak out beli cake. Heheh... so tunggu punye tunggu, akhiynye Sue masuk bathroom pegi mandi. terus aku ngan KB pecut pakai baju, call Zuhri, pastu kitorang 3 org sekali ngan Wann, Zai ngan Anuar pegi Kroger. Tup-tup, stupid blardy Kroger tutup, nasib baik Meijer pujaan hati bukak, so beli ayaq and stuff kat situ. Lokasi beli kek dirahsiakan, muahahah (sebab tau Su suke bace blog aku, keskeskes ). Pastu baru teringat, buku cerite yang org belikan Sue tak tulis pape lagi kat dalam die (beli kat Waldenbooks, "The Last Jihad" by Tatau Sape ). Nasib baik ingat. Okkeh, fast forward, kitorang sampai balik Eaton, elok-elok 5 minutes before midnite, so masuk bilik, nyanyi lagu bedey, ragging-ragging Su sket, pastu soh Sue potong kek sebab takde lilin nak soh die tiup. Kang soh tiup lampu sampai padam kang, pengsan laks. Ngeheh... kitorang belikan Sue carrot cake ngan cheese cake, nyam nyam... ahaha... best gile ade 2 kek

Anyway, the next day, cuti-cuti Ann Arbor. Bawak diorang jalan keliling Central ngan North Campus. Seperti biase, kene bawak gie Law Quad ngan Michigan Union dulu, sebab paling cantik. Then it was all downhill from there, muahaha.. takdelah :). Ingat nak bawak shopping, tapi sume tempat tutup, so bawak diorang gie lunch kat Dinersty, then, gie South Campus carik Big House. Ooopsy, terbawak diorang masuk kancah kesesatan sekejap, as in tersesat carik Big House, terbawak gie Frat Drive over in Washtenaw (? nguahaha, reformed par-tay girl), pastu baru jumpe stadium. Keskeskes... seronok2 amek gambar dalam sejuk2 tuh. After that, North Campus, malangnye Media Union tutup, so beku lah derang amek gambar kat luar. Then balik, kluar malam sket makan kat Denny's, then it was girls nite all the way. Malam tuh lah amek oppurtunity borak2 ngan Sue and KB, catch up on stuff.... macam-macam tatau rupenye.... ( "Khairi dah ade gf" "Ha? Dah ade gf" "Tapi dah break up dah" "Hah? Dah break up dah?" )... bebudak nie pun satu, cerite dah basi berkulat baru nak cakap, hahaha . Tapi seronok lah, baru sedar yang miss diorang gile gile gile actuallynye, suddenly I miss life in PPP so badly.... Ekin, Dayang, korang pulak bile mau visit?

Pagi tadi, bawak diorang gie Steve and Barry's and Michigan Book and Supply, beli t-shirts and other stuff, the gie Dinersty balik (diorang fell for the Malaysia Style fried noodles... yum yummy, siap boleh tapau bawak balik Pudu ), after that, the hardest part of the day...... saying goodbye. Waaa... cedey cedey... I had so much fun while they were here, by far the best part of my holiday :) . Baru blah a few hours, dah miss dah.

Lepas-lepas tuh catch up tido and tgk TV.. ho hum. Can't believe school is starting next wekk, I'm gonna have to bust my ass in the javanese dance class for the performance, adoi lah. Okay, have to go and solat, ciao!


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