I'm moving my updates to a different blog, http://www.farah-faisal.blogspot.com, since it's an easier address to remember and spell. It's been a great ride updating this blog, hope you'll follow me on to the next chapter!

Saturday, November 01, 2003

Wow, dah lame gile rasenye tak update, been so busy with homework, project and stuff. Hehehe.. actuallynye ade je mase kalau nak update, tapi I used that time to hafal moves from my classes, hehehe. Ooo... lupe lak, slamat berpuase to those who do. Love the fasting month :) .
Last night was Halloween, and I decided to dress up this year and get into the hype of wearing costumes. Hehehe... Jen and I raided her trunk when we were over at her house last fall break weekend, and I borrowed her goddess costume, but I added wings to make it into an angel's costume instead, though I forgot to purchase myself a halo to make it complete. But still, people could tell. Nguahahah... ingatkan smalam nak bawak orang lain celebrate with me, tapi all plans went to hell and I ended up just bringing one other person with me to go celebrate with Jen and her friends. Verdict: interesting night :), though there were times that I got bored, though. You can only do some things so many times .....
Hari nie nak kene wat program, program mode all the way up to Monday. Bloody hell, sume bende susah. I hate it bile dah lepas tulis coding, pastu kene padam sebab the fucking thing doesn't work. Oh well....
Thanks Hakam for the camera :) ....
Okay, me need to move it and get my butt ready for the group meeting. Till much, much later. Bantut, Yong, miss both of you! :)

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