I'm moving my updates to a different blog, http://www.farah-faisal.blogspot.com, since it's an easier address to remember and spell. It's been a great ride updating this blog, hope you'll follow me on to the next chapter!

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Sekarang nie I have about 10 minutes before my French class starts. Saje je amek peluang carik comp and jot down some thoughts. First of all, thank you to those yang hantar emails to me ucapkan takziah for me and the Umich students, insyaAllah Farah try nak convey kan dekat sume orang. Mule-mule tuh surprised jugak, and then baru tau yang my story circulated ikut email rupenye. I think I've managed to make half of Malaysia cry, alamak, sori yer. But I'm touched that so many people took the time nak bace the extremely long blog entry, and then email me to show support. Alhamdulillah, it just shows that no matter where you are, Malaysians and Muslims always stand together. Memang shows the true meaning of being brothers and sisters.
It's been a week lebih since the accident. Kadang-kadang tuh rase time flew by, other times rase macam "it's only been a week?". But what everyone kat sini (girls especially) would agree is that semue orang tgh frantic nak catch up missed lessons, missed homeworks and yang paling tak best, missed exams. I myself did a make-up exam semalam, baru tadi dapat result (result macam kambing by the way). Aiseh... time-time depressed pasal academics stuff tuh yang teringat arwah Nanim sebab die sgt-sgt pandai, slalu jugak lah kacau die tanye stuff (unfortunately kitorang lain majors, so courses pun takdelah overlap sangat). Baru-baru nie start study kat Eaton Lounge dengan the rest of the Malaysians. Time-time camnie lah rasenye nak really surround yourself with people, kalau tak rase suffocated sangat nak go through freaking out pasal studies sorang-sorang.
Oh ye tak ye, lupe, to my friends who tried to call me, so sorry, sekarang mmg tak lekat bilik dah, dah 3 malam tido bilik Deera. Sekarang nie idop macam orang nomad, so sesape nak contact, boleh lah carik contact info cik Nazatul (Nazutal? heheh) kite yang tidak akan di publicize kat sini. Time kaceh.
Wassalam...(dah kene gie kelas dah)

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