I'm moving my updates to a different blog, http://www.farah-faisal.blogspot.com, since it's an easier address to remember and spell. It's been a great ride updating this blog, hope you'll follow me on to the next chapter!

Sunday, November 16, 2003

Sorilah kinda lame tak update, banyak sikit stuff nak kene buat. On Friday, I started going to one of my classes again. Cuak jugak sebab the prof dah kasi answer key kat hw yang I haven't submitted yet, but alhamdulillah, die understanding sgt and said I can pass it up whenever. Jumaat tuh, banyak mende "interesting" happened to me, tapi malas lah nak elaborate kat sini, stupid-stupid stuff jek (all I can say is, I suck at watching horror movies sebab tido separuh movie celik separuh ).

Anyway, on Saturday, Islamic Center ade buat donation drive for arwah Teh ngan Nanim. It was weird actuallynye, takut pun ade, nak cross jalan tempat accident tuh jadik, mase kitorang kene berenti kejap kat tgh2 jalan nak tgk kerete pass, nasib baik tak freak out kat situ, rase nak patah balik pun ade. Alhamdulillah lah, everything went fine, and I didn't have to cross again mase balik tuh sebab balik naik kete Kak Deng.

Sampai kat Islamic Center, masing-masing duduk waiting for bukak pose, then solat maghrib, iftar, after that, lebey kurang 6.30 camtuh, baru lah event start. Bashir ngan Kirah (on my behalf) kasi speech pasal arwah Teh ngan Nanim. Mase dengar speech, dah sebak dah, and bile Kirah said the words that I wrote, at the end tuh mengalir lah jugak air mate. I wondered if my written speech was appropriate or not sebab Farah takdelah elaborate on diorang punye background, or acheivements, tapi more to what they meant to me, how I saw them. I hope everyone else managed to relate to it jugak.
Balik tuh, Kak Deng bawak gie jalan2 jap, gie kedai Cina and Wal-Mart (I needed some stuff). Last-last tak beli pun (microwave, periuk nasik), tunggulah dah survey habes nanti. Balik from kedai, we had one last tahlil for both arwah, alhamdulillah almost all girls lah jugak yang ade, even the ones yang duduk kat central. Mase nie, rase appreciative sgt for my friends, and I'm proud of the way that all of us stood by each other, regardless of personal feelings or personal comfort.

Hari nie ade iftar again kat rumah Sumaiyah, and next week rasenye Engineering department nak buat a bunch of other memorials jugak ( hopefully larat nak fill all, tanak lah miss sebab memorial nie untuk us to mourn jugak), and I emailed Lisa gitau yang I liked the idea nak tanam pokok to remember them by. Sekarang nie tgh try nak find out whether appropriate ke tak idea tuh actuallynye dalam konteks Islam, but kalau takde masalah, then I hope the idea flies with the Engin department and adelah pokok baru kat Umich nie.

Okay, I have to go now. Assalamu'alaikum to all :) , and thank you so much for everything.


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