I'm moving my updates to a different blog, http://www.farah-faisal.blogspot.com, since it's an easier address to remember and spell. It's been a great ride updating this blog, hope you'll follow me on to the next chapter!

Saturday, September 20, 2003

Oooh... dah lame tak post. I think I'm losing readers, nyahahaha... the again, blog nie bukan di create to cater to anybody's expectations, so that's no biggie. Hehehehe....
Guys, skip the next part from line ***** to line ------. Trust me, if not that'll be five minutes you'll never get back.

Last Thursday... kejap-kejap, setat balik.... hari Khamis yang lalu, saya dan rakan saya Shahrizat telah pergi ke Kroger dengan menaiki bas. Kami telah menuggu bas di perhentian Pierpont Yang Biasa (errr.. Pierpont Commons? ). Okay, dah cukup dah adegan Cintailah Bahasa Kita. Moving on....
So basically kitorang gie Kroger nak buat groceries. Tapi ntah camane ntah ter sidetrack kat tempat yang women's "ammenities" (sile lah paham2 yer.. ). Now, actuallynye takdelah mende yang interesting sgt except this is my first time nak beli.....
Shaver. Yep, I've never own one in my whole life. Selame2 nie either pakai wax (ouchie!) or pakai delapidatory ( I have no idea how to spell that, so shut up ) cream. But memandangkan semester nie I do not have time for the "wax on wax off" method ( pop strip into microwave, wait 30 seconds, put strip on skin, breathe in deeply, yank strip off and scream bloody murder), plus creams are getting to be a hassle (messy and still you have to tweeze, definitely not a breeze... hey, I rhymed! Yay me... dork ), so I need the fast, quick (somebody buy me thesaurus) and easy solution. And shaving would be it. Apsal tak penah ade shaver? Sebab I had a bad experience with shaving blades that involved a lot of blood and me traumatized for life... until now)
So sebab history lame tak best, buying my very first shaver was really important. It has to be just perfect. So awal-awal lagi dah tolak disposables, even though actuallynye disposables lagi murah. But they look soooooo unappealing... macam the mini version of that thing yang org keje kat pam minyak slalu gune nak lap cermin kete... you know what thing I mean kan? Bende yang ade sponge ngan squeegy tuh (again, I can't spell). So that left me four other contestants..... Gillette's Venus, Gillette's Sensor, Schick Intuition and Schick amende-ntah-tak-ingat-name.
So selepas 10 menet ber consult ngan consultant (Ijat ler, sape lagik..... kedengaran dialog-dialog "Yang ni macam best.. tapi mahal" "Eh, aku suke yang nie, comel" "Tapi yang tuh besar sangat, takut tak best pegang... aku nak kecik sket" "Eh yang nie nampak best, siap ade Aloe Vera lagik... aku suke mende-mene yang ade Aloe Vera ngan Vitamin E nie" "Err... nie pon ade Aloe Vera ngan Vitamin E jugak" "O ye ke? Eh, yang ni comel" "Tapi mahal" "Tapi comel".......on and on ), akhirnye beli Gillette Venus Passion... ke Passion venus... whatever lah. Verdict lepas sekali pakai: best best. Sebab die ade swivel head, so it kinda molds to the surface of your skin. It's skinny, so senang pegang, and handle die senang grip. Plus mine is pink, heheh. Very cool.
Apsal cite pasal shaver. Eh, sukati....... plus saje jek nak tgk exactly how many ppl sanggup nak waste time bace cite pasal.. shaver. Ngehehehe..... you dorks.


Okkeh dah. :) . Tadi baru balik BBQ umah Nizam. Nyum nyum. Me, Deera ngan Alisa datang time tgh preparation, so sempat nak tolong menggaul. Sape tukang BBQ and letak sos mmg boleh tabik lah sebab sedap, takde yang hangus. Best best. Sempat tgk game sekejaaaap je Kedah lawan Michigan... eh salah, Oregon lawan Michigan (baju Oregon hijau kuning) . Pastu kene baliks sebab ade program EECS 281 kene buat. Waaa!!!!! So skang kat mane? Kat MU, tgh nak wat stuff ngan Ijatto.... nasib baik Ijat ade, kalau tak, sape lah tulun explain what the heck a command line is?
Errmm.... nak break a secret kejap. Someone's getting a watch for your birthday.... hahaha.. sape someone tuh? Here's a hint: bedey ko dah dekat GILE!!! Hahaha... mampus au kene bunuh ngan orang yang nak bagi. Woo-hoo!!! You have to catch me first....
Outie!! Wassalam.....


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