I'm moving my updates to a different blog, http://www.farah-faisal.blogspot.com, since it's an easier address to remember and spell. It's been a great ride updating this blog, hope you'll follow me on to the next chapter!

Friday, October 17, 2003

I have a few minutes before I have to get ready for class to bising pasal exam semalam. rasenye tak penah lagi ambik exam seteruk tuh, mase zaman tak study econ pun, it wasn't as bad as that. Gile jahat Chesney, aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!! Tak tau lah result camane, looks like my hard work buttering up my parents mintak tolong kasi "ehem ehem" nanti tak berbaloi ler kalau fail exam :( . Waaaaa!!!! I spent the first quarter of the nite lepas exam menjerit2 dekat phone ngan Ijat (yang jerit2 jugak sebab die pon rase exam susah). Seriously, sape yang sempat nak buat (buat je, tak betul pun takpe) sume algorithm kat situ, mmg lah dewa CS. Dewa gile lah. *SOB*!!!!! I hate this sooooo much.
Okay, backtrack to last weekend. Jumaat pegi Midland ngan Jen. Her mum ngan sister, Andrea, ambik kitorang kat West Quad around 6.30 camtuh. It was a 2 hour ride, in which I had time nak borak2 ngan sume orang (thank goodness, kalau tak sure pelik bile sampai umah). Anyway, sampai2 je, we went to the Midland High football game. Seems like itulah diorang punye social event every weekend sepanjang2 the football season. Andrea was kind enough nak terangkan the whole dynamics of the game since the only thing I know is where the goal posts are, ball through goal is a good thing, and some-way-or-another you can move towards a yard line. Unfortunately, no one was really paying attention to the game (Jen especially, die sibuk run around peluk orang yang die dah lame tak jumpe), so after a while, I got bored too and was introduced around instead :). Fun? Yeah :) . Midland tuh is a predominantly white town, so I think everyone was being extra nice to me sebab yelah kan, dah lah I'm obviously not white, I'm from a whole different country! Haha! Balik from game, we went to Pizza Hut, makan, and then went to Jen's house. Malam tuh tengok Michigan lawan Minnesotta, and I watched Michigan got 31 points in the 4th quarter to edge out Minny (They were down by 14 points before that). Go Wolverines! Ngahaha... though I wasn't this excited mase tgk game on TV sebab penat....
Jen: Obviously you don't share my enthusiasm for the game
Me: Well, you can't blame me, I had a long day. I feel like a slug. Just gimme caffeine and I'll be half human again.
Saturday, I had the pleasure of watching Jen get her sisters dressed up for their big Homecoming. Pagi tuh we went out shopping for supplies and stuff. Ingatkan nak amek sikit gambar, but my camera conked out for no apparent reason (bettery sume dah fully charged and all), so I only managed to get a pic of Andrea and her date. Malam tuh, while Jen's sisters were out to the dance, I had the big task of cooking everyone an authentic Malaysian dinner. Ngehehehehe... big, big responsibilty, kang tak sedap karang, naye jek. So I decided to cook mende yang paling senang and yang diorang paling familiar (or at least have heard of): kari ayam. Hahaha... so basically that night's meal consisted of kari ayam, sayur masak oyster sauce (another easy dish), and for dessert, makan pau kacang. Lagi best: we had guest for dinner. So basically 5 white people akan makan what I had cooked. The result: not too shabby :) . Everybody cakap sedap (bangge bangge... purposely made it not so spicy), and they were amzed with the pau thing. Ha! Nasib baik I haven't turned everybody away from Malaysian food.
A lot of things happened, tapi malas nak cite pepanjang, so cut to the chase, we went back on Sunday morning so Jen can make it to her Jason Mraz concert.
Monday: me and Teh gie Briarwood shopping for baju and jeans. Tuesday: AAACCKK!!!! Homeworks galore and exams incoming!!! I did my math homework and studied for EECS 281 and French midterms. Wednesday: what I did on Tuesday again. Thursday: AAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!! Fuck punye 281!!!!! Penat study macam nak mati, satu haprak pun tak menolong!! Friday: today I have dance class, French mini-redaction, and a meeting with an I-Center advosir regarding my lost I-20. Go figure.
Okay, about the pic...... penah dengar tak the song "It's my party and *bleep* if I want to, *bleep* if I want to, *bleep* if i want to " (*bleep* tuh not equal to swear words, I just can't remember how the damn thing goes). Weeelllllll....... take the pic in the spirit of the song ( and by this point, sure half of you reading this would go... huh? Keskeskes.... this is for the people yang find it sooooooo interesting nak comment on every single bloody thing sume orang buat, dengan ucapan, stick it where the sun don't shine). To the person who wanted me to put this up.... it's up. Again :) . Miss talking to you sampai handphone berasap, hahahahah.
Okay, me in big trouble sebab tak bersiap lagi nie. Ta!


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