I'm moving my updates to a different blog, http://www.farah-faisal.blogspot.com, since it's an easier address to remember and spell. It's been a great ride updating this blog, hope you'll follow me on to the next chapter!

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

Today, today today... tak buat pape sgt. Meh kite backtrack to hari Ahad... Ahad buat ape, you ask? Ahad pegi shopping, beli sluar lepak ngan sweater pink. Hehehe.. best2. Pastu malam takleh nak tido, so kacau ade sorang manusia nie sampai die pon takleh tido.. ish ish.. kesian. Isnin, ade kelas French sebijik. My Professeur kasi slip oral, and puji kate my my pronounciation is "exceptionally good for this level..... hope to hear you talk more in class". Wah wah wah wah.... hepi hepi hepi!!! First time ade sorang soh lagi byk cakap instead of "shut up!". After kelas, balik solat, then lepak kat CCRB for 3 hours membuat cubaan-cubaan pengurusan badan (dah makin bulat cam doraemon... ).. well actuallynye kene ganti kelas for about an hour, then tunggu my dance class starts. Dance class beeeessstttt (slalunye takdelah sgt sebab struggle nak balajar moves... adoi lah sakit)... belajar kick kaki mid-air, then twist badan and land on the floor. Can I do it? Hell no. Boleh lepas sikit lah.. takdelah cantik sgt buat, though my instructor kate my "body-roll" lawa (totally different thing, takde kene mengene ngan the kick-midair-like-you-kick-ass thing) ... cheeewaahhh!!!!! hahah.. kelas sikit je org yang dtg mase tuh, nak compare ngan sape lagik? Muahaha.. definitely a day of praises, me very, very, VERY happy!!
Tuesday (that'd be today...) , terlambat gie kelas for half an hour. Wah, padan muke, gatal nak pakai tudung biru cantik hari nie, kan dah susah nak bentuk. Anyway, hari nie non-stop classes sampai kol 6.30... javanese dance hari nie dah dapat position.... ade orang tuh kan, kan, kan.... kan, kan, kan (hek eleh, macam die bace je mende alah nie), dapat position kat depan. Waaaahhh (eh, it's not me lah, org lain lah).... sure bangge *ehem ehem* die tengok mase perform nanti. Pheewitt!! Go ***!!! Keskeskes... macam biase, lepas weekend, nari macam kambing sebab dah lupe banyak, and I can bet jumaat nanti camtuh jugak. Hmm.. malas nak layan.
Lepas nari, tengok bebudak main co-ed soccer. Bad luck guys, kecian. oh well, nasib tadek, though kitorang ngan "kucing-kucing parsi betina" yang duduk kat sidelines tuh... sampai Ijat soh tendang bole bagi kene kepale sekor-sekor... uish Ijat brutal.
And skang kol 11.30... me baru lepas boogeying to Lil' Kim and Timbaland... nguahahaha, gatal tanak wat keje. Wokeh, me have to get going and buat keje now.
Oh, and I got this in my friendster:


............ It's up :) . Wassalam.


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