I'm moving my updates to a different blog, http://www.farah-faisal.blogspot.com, since it's an easier address to remember and spell. It's been a great ride updating this blog, hope you'll follow me on to the next chapter!

Saturday, August 30, 2003

Ngahahahaha... first blog since kaki jejak balik bumi bertuah Michigan. Nyahahah (gelak setan). Baru balik from Maijer Madness... mmg "madness" sebab sume org yang pegi tuh sure mereng balik umah... ramai sgt org kat situ. Nak bergerak susah betul. Kalau bukan sebab tambang free, takde keje aku nak gie shopping tgh2 rush ramai org mase tuh. Ish ish ish...
Hmm.. nak dibuat cerite, hari nak balik tuh, flight kene retime, from 9.30 am jadik 10.15 am. Org yang kat counter (it was a mamat, so you can imagine what's coming up next, stoooooopid asshole) tuh dengan penuh konfidennye pegi cakap "Alah, sempat nie nak kejar connecting flight. Tak payah risau". Heeii.. kalau dapat lah jumpe mamat tuh lagi, akan ku cekik-cekik lehernya sampai mati dong. Tak gune betul. Mane tak, flight took off dekat nak 10.30 am, then landing-landing je, dah terlepas connecting flight. Adegan paling best: bile pegi kat Northwest punye ticketing counter and die gitau "The next flight out is at 10.40 pm"... that was 7 hours away. 7 HOURS!!!! Die nak suruh aku park my butt kat mane? Mase tuh muke dah pucat dah. So lepas bug Kirah byk2 kali with numerous phone calls gitau flight delay and mintak phone number budak USC, I slept on a bench depan all the world to see for 2 hours straight, then gie shopping kat duty free beli a box of Godiva chocolates yang tgh 30% off (bile things dah so f***ed up camtuh, you need to splurge on something... at least I do lah heheh...). Pastu makang fish fillet kat Burger King, bace buku cerite, akhirnye 7 hours to berlalu jugak.
Sampai Detroit, amek cab (pokai aku USD42) sampai Ann Arbor around 7.30 am camtuh. Sebab office tak bukak lagik, pegi lah ketuk-ketuk pintu org tgk sape dah bangun. Nasib baik Bashir-Adlee bangun awal, boleh pinjam phone diorang call Ijat. Masuk bilek Ijat je, Ijat kate leh lepak kat Ayun nye futon.... and I was unconscious sampai lah pukol 5 petang camtuh. Nasib baik takleh solat mase tuh, I don't think I could've gotten up.
Anyway, by today dah masukkan most of my stuff dalam bilik baru (or lame, depending on how you want to think about it). hmm.. nanti kelas nak start dah, and right now homesick siket teringat family kat umah. Cedih...waa waa waa!!!
Okay habes dah sedih... Sept 1st nie (Monday I think) ade pre-class bash (*cue the 10% devil grin... nyahaha* ) Last year terlepas sebab tertido... this year I intend to GO!! Lepas geram before start kelas!
Okay, dah penat nulis. Later peeps! By the way, Sue purdue, if you're reading this, I miss you girl!! Email me your phone number ngan address kat purdue, aight?


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