I'm moving my updates to a different blog, http://www.farah-faisal.blogspot.com, since it's an easier address to remember and spell. It's been a great ride updating this blog, hope you'll follow me on to the next chapter!

Thursday, August 21, 2003

Assalamu'alaikum to people yang still membace... :) ...

Sorry for the long tak up date part, nie pon dah ade org tegur baru teringat nak update :P. Heheh... actuallynye baru balik from Pangkor semalam, vacation dengan my parents. Verdict: fun!! Nak gie snorkeling, tapi memandangkan my sis-in-law tgh pregnant, so takde org nak temankan. Boo-hoo.... so instead I did something yang boleh wat sorang-sorang and went jet-skiing instead. Muahaha.. duit habes manyak nak sewe but well-worth the money... up until the part yang tetibe habes minyak tgh jalan and I was stranded dekat dengan Pulau Raja. Haiyok.. mase tuh nervous Allah je lah yang tau, muahahahaha. Last-last kene tow balik ngan ade satu pakcik sampan nie. Muahaha... chett, cuti 3 hari pon dah ade dah mende2 merepek camnie jadik.
Okkeh, backtrack kejap to the day before berlepas gie Pangkor. It was Sunday, so being bored, I decided to book org back to back to take me out. Pagi tuh kemas umah, then petang gie shopping kat Mid Valley ngan Bie. Hehehe... best shopping ngan Bie, gie try out mende2 merepek, last-last I bougt a dress from Sommerset Bay yg tgh discount 20% (pink of course, my cousin dah usik-usik kate nak jadi Elle Woods lah plak, but what can I say, dress tuh kaler pink je ade, buat jadik baju raye), pastu pujuk Bie beli baju kaler purple nie which is really, realy nice. Bie nak rasmi baju nanti gitau org! Then Bie introduced me to Rotiboy, arguably the best bread I've tasted in a really long time. Sedap sedap, nyum nyum... rugi tak kenal awal-awal, selame-lame nie gie Mid Valley tatau pon roti tuh sedap.
That nite, my cousin Farhann bawak gie makan kat Monty's. Jakun me malam tuh first time merase escargot, selame-lame nie kalau my friends nak order I buat muke yucks, but Hann kate sedap, so try je lah. Hehe... mmg sedap, never thought snails can taste so good, but probably sedap because of the sauce lah kot. Very delish. Actuallynye kitorang makan slow sangat sebab lagi banyak borak, sampai that place dah nak tutup dah. Hehehe... sian kat waiters kat situ, kene overtime japs. After kitorang drive around KL, since according to Hann I'm "a saint" (wha..?), so die bawak gie tgk area yang bapuk slalu lepak pick up customers. All I can say is, it's amazing what plastic surgery can do. Body serious cantik, though kinda obvious jugak boobs tak authentic. Gilos, elok-elok jadi laki nak tukau jadi pompuan.
Something yang Hann showed me that nite kinda gave me fuel to drive myself to do better next semester. He brought me around area Ampang and Bukit Damansara, showing me all these big houses (some tuh masuk taraf mansion), yang ade underground parking and goodness knows how many cars. I told myself, I want that. The material stuff. The big house yang my parents can enjoy, the fast cars (Hann bawak kete macam maniac, nasib baik fun), the loads and loads of money so that I can buy whatever I want and my mum and dad pon tak yah nak keje penat-penat dah. Verdict: since I'm not a fan of marrying the rich (entah nak kawen entah tak) since it's not gonna be my money, so kene find a way to make it on my own. Heheh... "I have a dream...."
Balik malam tuh kol 12.30, terus packing, pagi-pagi besok tuh dah bertolak gie Pangkor dah. Sampai sane, kene bawak my nephew gie mandi kat pool sebab die freak out bile gie beach. Pulok dah. Mama ngan papa die amek gambar Ajiq jek, gambar Mak Su die haram jadah tadek, chett. Kitorang duduk kat banglo at Teluk Dalam Beach Resort. Verdict: Resort cantik, service not so good, buffet blah, tempat isolated sangat. Teluk Nipah, where I stayed at the last time I went to Pangkor with my friends, lagi best. Kat Teluk Dalam tuh, nak gie island hopping pon susah. First day tak buat pape sangat, second day kitorang gie shopping kat bandar ngan gie sight-seeing. Shopping normal stuff lah like ikan bilis and such, pastu sight-seeing , gie Dutch Fort and this place yang ade replika Tembok Besar Cina. Yang paling meriah time keluar tuh, sape lagi kalau tak budak kecik Ajiq. Padan muke die nanti bile dah ade adek, mengade sangat skang nie.
Balik bandar, me went jet-skiing. Hehe.. org lain slalu yang baru setat jet-ski nie main kat pantai jek, kite gie bawak kat open sea sampai nak gie Lumut dah. The only reason tak gie further sebab nampak sign senapang kat situ, so patah balik, naye je kang. Selame-lame nie tak penah tau jet-skiing can so much fun. Berbaloi duit, though I did get 10 bucks off sebab stranded tuh, heheh.
Last day, just balik kampung jap kat Bota Kanan, jumpe Opah Noh. Lame sgt tak balik, I think dah nak 2 tahun jugak lah. Rindu kampung.
Today, nak kene basuh baju and gie get my hair done (I think). Pape pon, I need to pack real soon. To AA people (Ann Arbor, NOT Alcohol Anonymous), see you guys in a few days :)!


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