I'm moving my updates to a different blog, http://www.farah-faisal.blogspot.com, since it's an easier address to remember and spell. It's been a great ride updating this blog, hope you'll follow me on to the next chapter!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir Batin! I'm excited for Eid :) . Woot! I just wish it's not during the exam week.... that sucks ass so bad. But that's basically how it's been for the past few years... man, I wish I'm back home for Eid right now.

Okay, I better go study.... but I have the TV on and Ann Arbor is featured in that new freakish Comedy Central cartoon show, The Freak Squad (or something like that). Apparently Ann Arbor is the most literate city in the US. I never knew that. I guess the abundance of college kids helps with the statistics....

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