I'm moving my updates to a different blog, http://www.farah-faisal.blogspot.com, since it's an easier address to remember and spell. It's been a great ride updating this blog, hope you'll follow me on to the next chapter!

Monday, March 13, 2006


Omigosh, this thing is the funniest ever!! Meet Isolatr, the thing that helps you tell other people you don't know to get the f*** off your site. Perfect for those who wants their privacy on the web. Now, just in case you think Isolatr is a real thing, it's not :) . While it's real easy to opt-in on the web to get newletters and stuff, it's really hard to opt-out. Hence why we keep getting SPAM everyday. There's also the issue of social computing, which pertains to the issue of "networking" sites, like MySpace, Friendster, facebook and countless others. Seriously though, people, how many networking accounts do you need? Yes, you have 500 people on your "friends" list, but do you really KNOW any of 'em? Do I HAVE to get thosse insidious friendster emails everyday saying "So and So has updates his/her friendster blog". Honestly, I don't really care if he/she updated her blog or not, in fact, I barely care if I update my blog or not.

So until the whole process of opting out gets easier, I think I'm going to refrain myself from registering with any more social networking accounts. Oh, the pain of trying to remember all the passwords... It's enough to drive a woman mad. Mad I tell you!

On another note, I'm feeling much better after a one week demam-fest, right now I can actually do work without wanting to puke, sleep or bash my brains out. Oh, wait... I still want to do those stuff, but at least NOW it's all in my head instead of actualy physical ailments. Ah, my head. Sometimes I wonder what goes on in there. I can sit in front of the TV, complain that there's NOTHING to watch and yet then realize I had just wasted 5 hours of my life watching ads and junk. Like the M 'n' Ms commercial goes.. Amazing.

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