I'm moving my updates to a different blog, http://www.farah-faisal.blogspot.com, since it's an easier address to remember and spell. It's been a great ride updating this blog, hope you'll follow me on to the next chapter!

Monday, August 16, 2004


Finally! Setelah seminggu lebih tak bleh nak login internet, I finally got through! Hurrah! Bodo punye Streamyx, kate laju, alih-alih nak login pun susah. Ikut kate Kak Yann, ade trick nye lah pulak nak login, something pasal switching on and off some thingamajig ntah hape hape. Oh well.

Anyways, this week wasn't all that exciting. My niece masuk ER kejap because of lung problems (not ER the series yer, this is the actual ward ), poor little thing, nasib baik lah nothing major, alhamdulillah. Still, lepas nie kene careful jugak nak kasi die makan ubat and stuff.

There was this one time I went to Hann's house for a few hours of karaoke, because someone managed to get himself grounded by losing a RM3K cell phone. And to that person, "breastto" is so not a good comeback when someone calls you "nutso". Anyway, I found out that my ickle cousin has a pretty good voice, probably enhanced by all the karaoke-ing that he must have been doing. As for myself, I found out that I couldn't hit the high notes as well as I did in high-school, probably due to all the not singing and no practice for the past 3 years, and I've completely forgotten all the breathing techniques that I used to pick up from various people. You might find this surprising, but the our choir club in STF didn't exactly learn how to breathe properly while singing, we just sang, sape ade talent nak hit the high notes, dapatlah jadi soprano, sape tak, takdelah. Weird... Anyway, back to karaoke, lepas penat nyanyi2, we watched Honey, the movie with Jessica Alba in it. Love that movie, the dance moves are totally phat (cheewah! look at me, I'm trying the "blak" people's lingo! I'm such a nerd). I think I'm gonna buy that DVD when I get back to Ann Arbor.

Talk about going back to AA, I can't believe sekarang nie I have less than 2 weeks left. Gile babi kejap, waaaa tak puas duduk umah. I should have balik rumah awal sikit mase tuh, like last year I had the whole 2 months kat Mesia. This year sebulan, rase tak puas. Nanti sure miss Aishah gile2 punye, mane tak, duduk rumah tak keluar semate2 nak main ngan die, nak tunggu die balik nursery, siap tolong kasik kan ubat, pujuk time die nangis, tolong mandi pakai baju sume.... lampin je tak salin kan sebab busuk. Lain sume.... kire tolong lah jugak. As for Ajiq.... hari-hari nak kene marah die, suruh kluar from my room sebab die suke masuk and sepahkan vanity and kacau my art projects. Dah lah sekarang pintu tak boleh tutup..... apsal takleh tutup? Nie lah pasal....

Pn the day nak pegi Cherating tuh, I was doing some last menet packing, baru lepas amek toothbrush from bathroom, so cam biase, tutup pintu bilik so that privacy sket, nak tukau baju sume. Tetibe dengar this weird click from the door, macam ade bende broke loose. Continued packing, then ingat nak turun bawah breakfast sekejap, pulas punye pulas tombol pintu, die tanak bukak. Then I started banging on the door, mintak someone bukak from luar. Abang Rizal try bukak..... pun tak bleh. By then I realize yang damn! I'm stuck inside my room on the day I'm supposed to be on vacation. How ironic is that. Paling best.... me and my kakak ipar and my mom try sedaye upaye nak bukak pintu but to no avail, while the men in my family were nowhere to be found, maybe diorang lepak lepas panggil locksmith. My opinion of men, which is already kinda low these days, went down a couple more notches. My brother gave me a screwdriver to do something with tombol pintu tuh, so kite pun pomen2 lah. My mom, bless her heart, gave me this pisau kecik yang dapat as a free gift kalau beli Nutella. Pisau tuh nak sapu jem atas roti pun boleh bengkok, let alone nak jolok2 pintu. Last-last I got pissed at the whole situation, started using the screwdriver nak chip on the door frame kasi berlubang dekat lock. After 10 minutes camtuh, dah nampak the strip of metal yang lindung tempa lubang door lock tuh, so I jammed the screwdriver in and asked my sister-in-law (perempuan jugak yang kene buat) to push the door in. Nasib baik boleh bukak, and I made it to Cherating safe and sound.

Sampai kat Cherating, first thing buat...... gie mandi kat pool. Woo hoo!!! Pegi ngan Kak Yann and Ajiq, mak ngan bapak duduk kat bilik dengan Aishah. Dah dasar pegi ngan Ajiq, alamat byk ler songeh die, last-last kitorang geram. Besok pagi-pagi bute me and Kak Yann blah awal-awal nak lepak kat pool, kitorang je, no kids. Hahaha.... kitorang yang lagi sakan mandi-mandi sume, yang kanak-kanak nye kene tinggal. Lepas balik pool, breakfast kejap, then jalan-jalan kat Kemaman, beli keropok lekor and stuff. Balik Kemaman, gie mandi pantai.... tapi this time bawak Aishah. Tak bawak Ajiq sebab die takut, Ajig gie main pool dengan bapak. Aishah, yg baru 4 bulan tuh, abang pesan suruh bawak mandi laut, mane tau boleh baik sikit die punye eczema, sebab dgt air laut is good for the skin. Sebab menjalankan amanah (plus saje-saje), bawak jugak lah si kecik tuh mandi laut. Comel je die pakai sluar pendek Ajiq. Mase mandi kat laut tuh, ramai jugak lah org pandang sebab bawak budak cinonet camtuh masuk laut, tapi buat dek je lah. Ade family Korea nie siap dtg borak2 lagi. Anyway, Aishah baik,tak nangis langsung mase kat laut, tak tau lah sebab tak takut ke, tak kisah or tak paham. Lepas mandi laut, bawak die main kat pool. Hahaha.... 4 bulan dah mandi mandi sume dah. Gambar-gambar akan diupdate nanti2...

Okkeh, sambung cerite pasnie.... skang nak kene siap2 gie Mid Valley. Challo!


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