I'm moving my updates to a different blog, http://www.farah-faisal.blogspot.com, since it's an easier address to remember and spell. It's been a great ride updating this blog, hope you'll follow me on to the next chapter!

Tuesday, July 22, 2003

COMP MELETUP!!!! Damn man! Emm.. abang dah pome, takde harapan dah nak betulkan, so semalam die dah survey nak beli comp baru, tapi knowing abang, alamatnye berkurun ler baru nak beli comp tuh. Anyways, now nie dekat office mak, gune comp to check up on stuff. Tadi baru lepas buat "rounds" meeting the "big" people in my mum's office. Nie pon baru keluar from bos punye office. Never hurts to make sure that you're acquainted with the right kind of people to help you get that big fat salary, right?
Semalam kemas bilek kat umah, sedey kejap bile jumpe gambar lame kat STF, of my classmates and schoolmates. Some of those pictures I buried deep beneath the drawer because it hurts so much to look at them. Tak sangke it could happen to me. Sape yang knows the story, I think will paham apsal. But being home is good for me, get close to my family, re-examine my priorities, what I want, what I won't settle for. Plus, I get to see some of my old friends (mase nie lah nak kenal who my real friends are, keskes. I have to admit, aku bukanlah kaki jalan sangat. So takdelah stock yang everyday nak keluar jalan gie KL,but every other day pegi lah jugak. Isnin tak keluar sebab mak ade kat umah, teman mak sambil punggah prezen yang mak beli from Mekah. Selase rest kat umah sebab sakit. Hari nie Rabu, dah baik sakit, so skang gie office mak sebab jap lagi nak gie SOGO. Shopping bebeh!! Hari nie SOGO sale (sale sale sale sale sale..... muahahahah! Oh happy day.... )
Nokia 7250.... dream phone skang nie. Second best... Nokia 7210. Ingat nak beli lah and then bawak balik US sebab phone skang dah tri-band, so memane je bleh pakai except Korea ngan Jepun. Plus my card ade international roaming. Mak dulu bising soh bawak handphone. Haaa... skang dah boleh bawak nie, tengok mak nak belikan ke tak, keskes. Kalau dapat the 7210 model, nak beli die punye plug-in camera jugak (habeslah duit mak...) sebab saje, camera die comel. Hehehe... hari tuh survey phones kat Sungei Wang ngan Yanie, siap boleh main2 ngan mamat seller tuh, heheheheh. Chinese guy yang sgt2 kelakar.
Weekend nie, kalau kene gaye, either gie Genting or gie Johor. Tengok dulu camane. Mak dah bising ajak breakfast, so penning off here... wassalam...


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