I'm moving my updates to a different blog, http://www.farah-faisal.blogspot.com, since it's an easier address to remember and spell. It's been a great ride updating this blog, hope you'll follow me on to the next chapter!

Sunday, June 12, 2005


I GOT INTO GRAD SCHOOL!!! Woohooooo!!!!!

I was extremely happy to get the admission letter ("conditional", I still have to provide a few stuff). It's from the School of Information, and it's right here at the University of Michigan, and the program is currently rated second best in the States. So I'm gunning for a Master of Science in Information. I was so happy yesterday that I just jumped around outside my apartment for a bit, and then inside for a good 10 minutes. Then I had to call home, and it all came to a screeching halt.

I thought nothing could take away my high, even the thought that I might not get funding for school. But I called home, and my sister-in-law answered. My mom was putting my niece to sleep. Then my mom came to the phone. I told her about the school and the admission letter and all that other stuff that I was excited about. Needless to say, I didn't get the reaction I was hoping for. I thought she'd be excited about it and forget everything and just concentrate on what I have to say (for once). Instead everyone at home are still preoccupied with the kiddies and their antics and the "oh how cute, she's drooling". I wasn't expecting that... at all. Like no one really cared about this letter that I had worked my butt off to get. I mean, for God's sakes, they were HERE!! They saw how hard I worked to get my project done and get a good grade, how much I tried to ensure that my recommendation letters, despite my average grades, would pull me away from the rest the applicants and make me stand out. How much I worried about my personal statement essay because I didn't spend as much time on it as I should have.

The "Congratulations!" didn't come, neither did the "I'm so proud of you". All they care about are the babies. All the could think about was loving their grandkids, well how about me? How about some validation from my own parents? How can they not see how much I've wanted this? Why is it that whenever I call home, all they can talk about are the kids? I'm your daughter, your ONLY daughter!! And I've done good! Why can't I make you care?

I was so happy... and now all I want to do is forget about everything, get a tub of Ben and Jerry's and just binge eat in front of the TV. Last night I should've been celebrating, if not with friends then at least rejoicing with my family. Instead I spent it crying into a pillow until I fall asleep.

Looks like another bleak day for me.

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