I'm moving my updates to a different blog, http://www.farah-faisal.blogspot.com, since it's an easier address to remember and spell. It's been a great ride updating this blog, hope you'll follow me on to the next chapter!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


LoL, so I can't really put up a whole bunch of pics on my blog 'cause I don't really want to wait to upload s***, but here are a few gems that hopefully satisfies those who have been asking "mane gambar weh?". So walla! Here are some pics:

Picture 1:
The living room of my apartment. We have a pretty big 2-bedroom, 2-bath apartment. The guys you see are those working in my building, and in case you're wondering, yep, I'm the only girl in the picture...'cause I'm the only girl there. That should give you some perspective on the whole girl-guy ratio, I hope. We were having one of our weekly "Lab Awesome" dinners and came back to my place to watch "Fight Club".

Picture 2:
COSD Intern BBQ and MS Fields. I was riding this huge tricycle ('cause everyone knows I can't ride bikes), and Peter was in my way so I hit him. LoL. Good times.

Picture 3:
Me and my mentor, Winston. Thanks Tristan for the pic! See how cool my mentor is?

So yeah, I'm nearing the completion of my internship. Boohoo :( ..... no more driving my Mustang, coming to work in my OWN cubicle, coming home to my own apartment, going to the Pro Club, Lab Awesome weekly dinners, trips to the beach, clubbing on the weekends, windsurfing, shopping at Macy's, stressing on the weekdays.... okay so I still have the last one, but the fun stuff are going to be OVER! Waaaaa!!!

I'll miss Washington, and my group, and my friends, and all of my "scandals" (hahahaha, you have to be there to understand this one, LoL. I swear it's not as bad as it sounds.) So back to school I go in 12 days :( .... so sad....


Anonymous said...

sad to see you are not wearing the tudung or covering yourself as you did before. please do not change. i know how life must be fantastic over there for you. but remember that you are a muslim ~ an elder sister

Anonymous said...
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