I'm moving my updates to a different blog, http://www.farah-faisal.blogspot.com, since it's an easier address to remember and spell. It's been a great ride updating this blog, hope you'll follow me on to the next chapter!

Monday, August 22, 2005


Nyahahaha.... I'M BACK BITCHES!!!!!!! Hahaha... just kidding. But I'm back to updating my blogger (sorta) regularly right now. Nyahahah. And again. Nyahahahaha. Did you guys missed me? Betcha you did, LoL. And here I am back again to dish out my crazy thoughts and rantings.

Thank you thank you thank you to Fer for helping me with the blogger bug. Thankee thankee thankee :) . Yay!

Some things have been going kinda well (yay!) and some haven't (bummer ...). I'm excited that I'm still here to continue grad school (yay!) but Rackham still hasn't admitted me into the school yet (bummer...). Which means I'm not officially a student yet (bummer....) but a lot of people are working with me so that I CAN start school in the fall (yay!). I'm excited. Grad school should be interesting, to say the least.

I wish I can relay EVERYTHING that has happened, but there's just too much stuff goin' on. Lol. My days are pretty predictable these couple of weeks. Get up, go to work, come back from work, lunch, DDR (or gym, or just walk around on Central), lepaks, then it was off to Fer's and Azwan's for singing or poker.

I can actually play poker now. Yay! I told my mom. She laughed but she told me don't start gambling, it always starts out small and then yada yada yada yada... I pretty much tuned her out after she said "don't". I told her I've been away from her for 5 years in high school, and another 4 years halfway across the world from KL, and yet I'm still pretty much the same girl that she raised before I came to the US. I don't drink, I'm not a ho, I'm not doing drugs, I've never even SEEN weed. I told her that unless my Plans From Above says differently, I am not planning any major changes in my personality anytime soon :) . She couldn't argue with that logis, LoL. I love my mom :) .

Oh, and while we're still on the subject of ho's........ I'm just gonna put this on the table and hopefully not offend anyone even though I was pretty offended myself. I'm really proud of my sorority. I learned a lot. I had study partners because of my sorority and I had friends from all around the country who are very dear to me. Most of all, I had sisters. These are the people that I care about. So DO NOT use the word "sorority bimbos" around me. Ever. And I mean this in the most serious way possible. If you're not a girl, you don't even have the right to even UTTER the word "bimbo" in my presence. Deragatory words can only be used playfully if the trust factor is there between all parties involved. Even then, we shouldn't take it lightly 'cause it can hurt. So please, please PLEASE don't diss sororities around me, especially since you know I was in one. Not all of us fit the stereotype.

Phi Rho love :) .

Okay, I gotta get back to work. Thank you again Fer for fixing my layout for me, you're the best :)!


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