I'm moving my updates to a different blog, http://www.farah-faisal.blogspot.com, since it's an easier address to remember and spell. It's been a great ride updating this blog, hope you'll follow me on to the next chapter!

Thursday, April 27, 2006



The title of this post says it all... I've finished a full day of interview at Microsoft. Wow. I can't believe I actually got this far, it seems so surreal. I've never been one of those people who just... get things. I never was one those people who gets to go and have interviews with Intel or IBM or Apple or of course, Microsoft. So for me to actually be here and to have had the experience of today really means a lot to me. Somehow it validates the hard work I've been putting in for the past few years, LoL. Hopefully I get the job, but if I don't, then it was still a great experience anyway. I wish I had stayed on the campus a little longer to take pictures and stuff, but I was tired because I was up since 5.30am this morning just to prep myself, have breakfast and generally to not be late. So after the interviews, I just headed home and had myself a half hour nap.

Anyway, I had a nice day. Aside from the interviews themselves (which were fun.. and fast), I met with Pat from the Microsoft videos (click here for the link, Pat is in Part 2 of the vids) . Pat drives one of the shuttles that basically takes us recruits to the different buildings on campus. I was hopingI would see her, but I wasn't sure if I would or not, so I was pleasantly surprised to see her in the last shuttle I had to take for the day. She knew of course where I recognized her from. I had a nice chat with her, as well as a picture of her in her shuttle in front of Building 19, where my interview process began.

I won't go into details about the interview process itself, there's a lot of info about that already on the web. Suffice to say that my technical questions were more user research/usability testing oriented than programming oriented (due to the nature of the internship). I really hope that I get it, it would be so fun to spend the summer in Seattle. But of course, if this doesn't pan out, there's always Knoxville, Tennessee (more on that later).

Just got back from Nizam and Didee's house for dinner, thank you so much for the hospitality :) . The baby is so cute, can't wait till he's older. Bleh main, LoL. I love babies, pro'lly 'cause I'm such a kid myself.

Tomorrow, off to Pike Place and the world's first Starbucks. Woohoo! Then off to go home... awww...

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