I'm moving my updates to a different blog, http://www.farah-faisal.blogspot.com, since it's an easier address to remember and spell. It's been a great ride updating this blog, hope you'll follow me on to the next chapter!

Saturday, April 01, 2006


Today is April Fool's Day ... Heppy April Fool's Day to those who celebrates it. Much ado were made a while back about Muslim's celebrating the holiday, though there are so many conflicting stories about the origin of the celebration, who really knows what's right . What I do know, however, is that everyone in the media, regardless of race, religion, culture ... too the oppurtunity to play pranks on the rest of us poor souls.

Take, for example, Google Romance. Okay, so I guess if you're not really in the information science field, or don't know much about anything "contextual", then the joke wouldn't make quite that much sense to you. But some of the stuff everyone can relate to, so I would suggect exploring the site a bit more. Here's another bit of Google news that got me laughing, China to buy Google. I think this lil' bit of prank has something to do with the fact that Google is working with the Chinese goverment in making the Chinese version of the popular search engine to be "goverment compliant", meaning that it is restrictive information (certain sensitive material will not be returned by the search result). Here is a take by a Google insider on the plan. Personally I think it's selling out, no matter how you spin it, but of course, I don't own Google.

Aside from pranks, people are taking the oppurtunity of having April 1st on a weekend to do other cool stuff. Take me, for example :) . Yes, I am working at the front desk right now, but at about 9pm, I'll be off to the Heidelberg for the SI Prom (it's a dance held by my department to raise funds for student activities.. or something like that). This morning, I went to Aveda eXchange to get my hair cut by a tattooed hairstylist named Scott. Have to admit, I like the cut, well worth the $40 I spent on it. All I have to figure out later is what to wear.... I'm excited to go out, I haven't been able to just go and have fun in ages.

Last Thursday, I had an interview with Microsoft. I though it was gonna be at 9am. Turns out it was 9 am Pacific Time.... which is about 12pm here in good ol' Michigan. Woke up early and freaked out for nothing :( . Anyway, while waiting for Microsoft to call me, I got a phone call from ESPN. They're looking for interns to work on some web development stuff. He asked me if I like sports or not. Yes, I do like sports (watching sports is more my style though, hehehe). And the has asked if I know a lot about fantasy games. Okay, I've seen friends who are crazy about fantasy football or basketball or whatever, but I've never been into those. So we'll see how far the whole ESPN interview thing goes for me. As for the Microsoft interview... as usual, it went horrible. Dunno why I even tried.

Anyway, I'm working on posting some of my recent pictures up soon :) . That would be fun :) .

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