I'm moving my updates to a different blog, http://www.farah-faisal.blogspot.com, since it's an easier address to remember and spell. It's been a great ride updating this blog, hope you'll follow me on to the next chapter!

Sunday, April 17, 2005


The day starts off as being weird again. Woke up late, fell off the bed, tried calling Kate to tell her I'd be late, found out she was covered in vomit (don't ask), had people calling me up to go outside and play and I can't 'cause I have an exam tomorrow. Then I chatted with a few people that I wish I didn't, and chatted with a friend who gave me a different point of view of stuff .... and now I'm... surprisingly feeling good about myself :) .

People can always bring you down, so it's up to you to take precautions against those mothaf***ers and always remember that you ARE a good person and things ARE going to happen for you :) . I try to remind myself all of time of that fact... though sometimes events happen that just test your convictions and all you wanna do is break down and finish off a box of Krispy Kreme doughnuts in the hopes that the sugar will make you forget about all the sucky stuff in your life. [Note to others: it doesn't work, what you'll end up is soggy doughnuts drenched in tears].

My parents are coming soon. Yay! :) Can't wait. My mom and my sister-in-law are the only two people that I can tell some deeply personal stuff to, my mom for the obvious reasons of her being my mom and knowing waaaaaay more than I do, and my sister-in-law 'cause she's so fun-loving and a kid at heart. So my bases are basically covered :) .

I now have an obsession with tank tops, especially those with built in bras that just just makes your God-given assets that much more ... attractive. LoL. Kidding, people. I love tank tops 'cause they're sooo comfy. Especially in this weather. I wear one under my sweatshirt, and take the sweatshirt off when I'm hanging-out at my friends' place.. Kate calls me scandalous. Of course I told her to shut up, LoL.

Played with a cat just now, called Bella. Bella is Jenny's cat, and Jenny is Kate and Erin's roommate. The cat is so CUTE. I love cats. I used to have a whole bunch of 'em. They're dead now. Boo hoo. Anyway, Bella ended up eating half of my EECS 485 notes. This is a new spin of things ... "Sorry prof I can't study 'cause the cat ate my notes". Well she really did! But she's still cute though. If I get a cat, and he's male, I'd call him Orlando. If a girl, then I'd call her Buttercup. Why? 'Cause I wanna.

People are crazy sometimes. Life is as complicated, or as easy as you make it. That's true, and I've always believe that to be true. Sure, you can't really control the crap that happens to you, but you certainly make sure that it doesn't faze you more than it should. I live in a fairly sheltered life ... if I know that it's gonna hurt me, then I don't wanna know about it. That might mean missing out on stuff, but I know me, and there are certain things that I refuse to let myself go through. It might not be the best defense mechanism, but at least I have one. One thing that I find very relaxing to do is to just talk. Like TALK, about anything. It doesn't even have to be about stuff that's bothering you. The more I talk about random stuff, the better I feel. Some of my friends might not notice, but I tend to spew out absolute nonsense whenever I'm tense and I laugh and smile like nobody's business. Tha faster I started out talking, the bigger the problem in my head. Dude, talking rocks.

Now I gotta go and have dinner, and more studying to do. To people reading this.... I love you all, have a good life filled with happiness and blessings and if you ever feel, one of these days, that no one loves you, always remember that I do :) .


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