Aiihhh.... had a really long day today, as always. Strange how that seems to be the case everytime I have lotsa things due. Thanksgiving weekend was great thanks to GempitaFest, good job everyone!! I had 4 girls camping out at my place, 5 including me, so that's a lotta girls in one teeny tiny apartment, considering that each one of them packed the way I do... putting half of what we own in large, large bags. So my bedroom was filled with bags, and my living room filled with girls... barely got enough sleep, thanks to the Thanksgiving sale, catching up with my friends and of course, the event itself.
Now that all of us are back to reality, things had gotten a wee bit outta control. The project that I thought was (sorta) done, on my part anyway, turns out has a bug that I can't seem to find a way to get rid of. I've been sitting here in front of my laptop trying to make the damn thing go away, and it's NOT GOING AWAY! To top off my such fantastic day (note the sarcasm people), my voice "broke" during practice this morning with Mas Wasi due to lack of practice during and before the break, and now everytime I speak, there would be this sudden high-pitch squeak in the middle of a sentence. Just perfect, with auditions just days away... crud. Can't a girl have a break?
And now I have two books to read. For class. We all know how that goes. Each professor in this world has a sixth sense that smells out the most boring books ever written on earth... and then assigning them as reading assignments. Imagine my joy upon finding out the abundance of selection I have for my first reading assignment. In fact, I almost peed my pants, such joy filled my heart and the excess went straight to my bladder. Aaahh... I like me when I'm feeling sarcastic, I sound like an obnoxious moron who watched waaaayyyy too many reruns of Friends and Seinfeld. Or maybe just too much Comedy Central, I have a thing for Jon Stewart. Yummy....
The second reading assignment isn't quite so bad. I like science fiction, I grew up watching Star Wars movies (my family has the VHS, that's why all of us are dorks) and Star Trek on TV, and of course, my favorite anime of all time, Robotech (best looking guys I've ever seen in my life, even if they aren't real). The idea of machines one day controlling the world is kinda intriguing, I mean you never know, one day you wake up and your toaster has you at gun point and start shoving bread down your throat, yelling "How do you like them breads now, sucka?!". Men are always trying to improve on things that don't need fixing, and ignoring things that do. Trust me, one day we'll find that elusive thing that makes machines REALLY act like humans, then they take over the world, and we'll be sitting there in our cages thinking how the heck did we manage to fuck ourselves in the ass like that.
See? See what reading all these superflous junk is doing to me?? I'm sitting here in front of my laptop with no better thoughts in my head than thinking about my toaster taking over the world. I DON'T EVEN HAVE A TOASTER! Oh fuck, I'm turning into an oxymoron, which is soooo much worse than your normal everyday moron. Oh well... moving on....
What was I rambling about? Oh yeah, reading assignment #2. Anyway, I watched I Robot in the summer and had a fascination with Isaac Asimov's stuff, so I decided to read his book for this. Which is kinda cool, I've had the I Robot book for some time now after the movie came out, but I decided upon reading the first of his Foundation series for the assignment. Why? I dunno, I just wanna, you jackass, STOP HARASSING ME! I'm so paranoid in my apartment right now, I might as well be smoking weed... or smoking something.
Okay, I'm gonna try and leave all of you with the impression that I still might be slightly sane, and quite typing. I have a nice scented candle waiting to be lighted up, hopefully that will take the tension out of my veins... Ciao babes and babettes!