I'm moving my updates to a different blog, http://www.farah-faisal.blogspot.com, since it's an easier address to remember and spell. It's been a great ride updating this blog, hope you'll follow me on to the next chapter!

Thursday, May 04, 2006


I'm officially spending my summer in Seattle!! Woohooo!! I'm so happy. The day that I got my offer letter was the weirdest day of my life, honestly. My mood went from an absolute low to an all time high :) . Here's what happened. I had my offer from the "Small Company" (which shall remain nameless for now) on the table, but I was still waiting for the Big Company because after all is said and done, it's my first choice. Anyway, Smally gave me a deadline to reply by Monday, at 5pm. Biggie, on the other hand, couldn't get to me that early. So I decided that I was going to accept Smally's offer, contingent on a few things of course. But somehow my reply never got to the right people, so the deal fell through. I found out Tuesday morning and was so bummed out, because I did everything that was expected of me but there was a miscommunication somewhere. However, half an hour later, Microsoft called and said "Congratulations!".

I'm excited to go! Seattle is gorgeous, and the job experience of course would be priceless. I know how lucky I am to get this, so hopefully nothing happens to screw this up. I can't wait to go! Dunno yet when I'm leaving, but I'm starting at the end of this month, so probably sometime before or during Memorial Day I'll be flying down there.

I bought the "God of War" game for my PS2, along with the accompanying book. I think Deera played it and told me the game is cool. And it really is, I'm definitely not a gamer but I can appreciate the game. Unfortunately the music on the game scares the shit out of me, so I don't play it at night unless Afzan is there with me. We tagged teamed to play the thing, LoL. Honestly, I can see why the game is rated M (for Mature). Exhibit A: naked boobies all around. Large ones. Exhibit B: one way that you can obtain Red Orbs to upgrade weapons is to have sex with two women on a bed (this is early on in the game). By now you can pretty much figure out that guys are predominantly the creator and purveyors of the game. Damn, it's a good game, but I feel really awkward with the boobies all around. Ugh, why does it have to be so good but be so dirty?

I'm sleepy, and I'm gonna play the game for a bit before I got to sleep. Catch ya later peeps!

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